My purpose as an Influencer

Ahhh that dreaded word that I hate hearing... "influencer". To be honest, the word "blogger" doesn't seem that appealing to me either. I sort of cringe when I have to refer to myself as one of those two terms. Now I know I am such a small fish in a BIG pond of thousands upon thousands of people who have made blogging their jobs- and I don't even know if my website or Instagram stats technically qualify me to write on such a subject, but just recently I have felt just so honored to be in this space - to be followed by a growing audience that I love to connect with so much.

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Jett Oliver: 9 months

Jett baby you are 9 months old!!!! 

You are into EVERYTHING. You can't sit still because your mind is always running, always curious about the world around you. You finally learned to army crawl, and will get up on your knees every now and then, but most of the time, you just drag your legs behind you - one knee bent in front of you and the other leg straight behind you. (I just say that you must love yoga and are an expert at pigeon pose)

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