2018 Resolutions (and plans for this blog!)

2018 goals

I know - we are a couple of weeks into January and I am just NOW getting around to setting my goals for 2018. Honestly, I wanted to wait a few days (ahem, or 13) to let that first initial emotion of “resolution-setting” settle so I could take a more realistic look at what I’d like to see for myself in the upcoming year. Now that my resolutions are set... I debated this morning writing a long, drawn out post where I got into the nitty gritty about my personal goals but instead have decided that I’m going to share how those goals will influence my blog content coming in 2018. I have always been a believer that my blog was to be an extension of myself - my REAL self - and although I think style posts are really fun to work on, (and they aren't going anywhere!) that it is just a sliver of who I am, and I have so much more to add. I have thought long and hard about what sort of blog posts I have been creating and what I want to be creating and there is a bit of a mismatch there. I won’t get too much into detail about my vision for Alexander-Alexandra because I believe that’s always changing as time goes on but here is a little breakdown of what you can expect to see from me in 2018.

Mommy blog stuff

I know for the readers who aren't mom's you may say "pass" to all my baby related stuff, and I don't blame you! However, I find sharing all about my life as a mom, stories about our family and our adventures super important to who I am, and in addition to having this blog as a great little platform to keep all our memories - I just love the community of mamas out there who I have connected with, learned from, and bonded with. I hope to continue to learn from others and pass along anything I find of value to all the other moms out there! (Plus just share photos of a cute little baby!)

The Real Stuff!

- It has been just about a year of consistent blogging for me, and I have loved how it has pushed me creatively, given me a reason to explore my passion for photography, share my life stories, and learn new skills like web design, and SEO. Over this past year, A LOT of the time I feel inspired by social media, whether that be following people on Instagram with really GOOD travel photography, or reading along with other bloggers who has creatively built their own brand from scratch. But there are also moments where I feel overstimulated- burnt out by feeling like I will never measure up to others who I admire so. I know it happens to us all, and I am not going to pretend I am exempt. One of my favorite mama-bloggers - Ginger Parrish of The Parrish Place has this awesome concept sharing her "Lemonade" - where she shares life's sweets AND sours. I haven't quite figured out how to incorporate this idea into my blog- whether that be a weekly post or monthly.. or just randomly.. but I want to start getting real with you all, in hopes to show readers that my life is not only the highlight reel, but of course contains lots of lows and sad days too.

Fitness & Health

Ahh, this is dear to my heart. I have shared a little bit about my fitness\nutrition routine on here, but not as much as I'd really like. It is such a HUGE part of my life, and the first thing I am willing to loudly preach about. If you follow along on Instagram you have seen that I recently joined City Shape here in Kansas City, and the concept is SO great for anyone looking to start taking group exercise classes but not necessarily commit to ONE studio. I will be sharing more about City Shape in the coming months, but also have plans for writing blog posts about everything from Post-Partum exercise to my favorite workout clothing brands. Also, always looking for feedback to what YOU want to see from me, so always send me an email or direct message on Instagram if you have some specifics.

Beauty & Skincare

Honestly I have avoided touching anything beauty related because I have felt like such a novice on the subject. Tbh, I never have invested in an actual skincare line of products. I'm guilty of washing my face with soap and just buying whatever face lotion I see at CVS. My resolutions this year included investing in a good skincare routine, and actually taking much better care of my skin and I am so excited to share more as I navigate this new world. (It's about time.. it only took me 32 years!) 


I'm sure I have said it enough - how much I love travel and how much it inspires me. We have a few trips on the calendar this year with room for a few more. I soon will be sharing our bucket list and what we have upcoming.. and of course have plans to be taking A LOT of photos along the way!

Photography & Videography

Photography is the biggest reason I wanted to get into blogging in the first place. My love for fashion is rooted in imagery - its almost the photography OF an outfit that I love the most. I look back to see how much I have learned as a photographer, and it is almost comical to see where I started to where I have come - and the hope is to only to continue to get better. I have a few posts planned for sharing more about the gear that we have, possibly my workflow/editing process, as well as answering questions that I get frequently about cameras, lenses, etc.

last but not least... Fashion!

Of course the reason why I started this blog in the first place! I love a good outfit and I will continue to bring you some of my favorite pieces and where to buy. I hope to give these posts a little more direction.. be more helpful than just "hey look at this shirt guys!" I have always found posts that are instructional in nature like "how to wear" a certain style, or a round up of items say for example.. white dresses for spring.. are my favorites to read so I will test out a couple of those too going into 2018.

And hey to everyone that actually reads this.. I always want to know what YOU are interested in seeing. If you like following along with Alexander-Alexandra, please send me your thoughts..anytime!!