Colorado refresh

jean overall skirt

We just got back from spending 2 wonderful weeks out in Fort Collins Colorado, visiting my parents. We originally planned to stay just a week, but then decided to stay longer as Brandon flew back home for work (and promised to fly back to come get us the next weekend!... I wasn't ready to fly with baby alone just yet!)

My parents moved to Colorado a few years ago and I have loved getting out to visit when we can. Jett and I spent our two weeks sleeping in, enjoying our morning coffee with the family, sitting on the back deck watching sunsets, and lots of good family time. It was SO nice to have my parents help out with baby Jett during the days. You forget how amazing it is to get a workout in, or take a shower whenever you need to. Those extra set of hands really help. I feel like Jett changed so much in those two weeks as we witnessed his first true smiles, and his fussy time of day seem to pretty much disappear! (he still gets fussy of course, but the amount of time he spends grumpy has really decreased). He is really tracking people and their faces now, and loves to watch lights, and seems mesmerized by the television. In fact, Brandon was happy to hear we watched most of the US Open and is now destined to become a world class tennis player!:)

Now we are back home and although our time in Fort Collins was wonderful, its just a great to be back home with Brandon, see our friends, and get back into the groove around the house. We really missed Mochi too! The family is now whole once again!