32 weeks

32 weeks pregnant

Size: Baby is now the size of a squash and is about 16.6 inches long and 3.75 pounds

How far along: 32 weeks

Sleep: Still sleeping well!

 Food Cravings: breakfast - in particular the turkey veggie scramble bowl at T.loft

Food Aversions: nothing really

 Symptoms: a little more heartburn has been lingering. 

 Workouts: definitely feel like I am slowing down a bit. Taking more rest days but still on the bike 4-5 times a week

 Doctor's Appointments: one last one this week before we fly out to Italy. I think as soon as we get back we will have our final ultrasound.

 Movement: lots of hiccupping and rolling around. I can definitely tell baby is getting much bigger!

 Best moment of the week: having my parents in town and attending a Dancing with the Stars themed charity event where we all got to dress up and my mother-in law was one of the dancers. We had so much fun and its always great to wear a fancy dress. Since none of my really nice dresses fit right now, I actually found a prom dress that I just sized up a few sizes to wear! We joked that it was pregnant prom!

 What I am looking forward to:  leaving for Italy in THREE DAYS!!! Then as soon as we get back its going to be crunch time for getting ready for baby and that of course is exciting as well!

 What I miss? Being more active without getting any pain!

 What else? These days I go back and forth from excitement, to feeling overwhelmingly nervous and unprepared for baby to arrive! I do feel like we have a lot to do, but in the back of my mind I am confident that it will all get done. We still have to get a dresser for the babies room, and finish cleaning out his closet. Our baby shower isn't until we return from Europe, so I know once we start getting more baby items that we need that it will make me feel a lot more at ease.

32 weeks pregnant