27 weeks


I realize that with different dresses, the bump looks bigger or smaller depending on the outfit! This dress I think does a good job of making it look nice and little - it feels so much bigger to me!

Size: Baby is now the size of a bunch of bananas and is about 14.4 inches long and 1.9 pounds

How far along: 27 weeks

Sleep: Last couple of nights have been a little bit uncomfortable, but I blame the tossing and turning to the fact that we have had some really warm nights, and for some reason our bedroom does not stay cool. Since it is only April, I am guessing we have a lot of hot nights ahead of us!

 Maternity Clothes? I may delete this question next time around because nothing has really changed in this department.

 Food Cravings: No real cravings this week. Haven't really felt too excited about eating because I get so full so easily.

Food Aversions: I tried making a peanut butter banana protein smoothie and the protein powder just did not taste good at all. I used to make these all the time and loved them!

 Symptoms: My stomach is the size of a peanut I imagine right now. Still trying to get used to eating smaller more frequent meals.

 Workouts: I thought last week running was going to become more of a challenge, but had a great run this morning so I am sure it will just depend on how I feel. I saw an advertisement for a Mother's Day 5k in our neighborhood..might be appropriate!

 Doctor's Appointments: Today I have my glucose test! Wish me luck!

 Movement: So much movement! I love my alien belly, I think I will always watch it in fascination.

 Best moment of the week: I had a really busy week last week and on Easter we had church and brunch with family (SO good, brunch is my jam), and then I had some time in the afternoon to just recoup. Naps, snacks and Netflix, it was a great day. Sometimes we just need one of those

 What I am looking forward to: I took Mochi on a walk around our neighborhood today and I just love Brookside so much. We had such a beautiful day, and I am sure many are on the horizon, so I decided I want to do as many walks with the pup as I can after work until baby comes.

 What I miss? Again I will have to say biking! There are so many bikers out on the streets and it really makes me miss it so much. 

 What else?  Can't believe were at T-minus 3 months to go!