Catch up

So the last time I typed up a blog post was about two months ago, we just had gotten back from Colorado on a visit to see my parents back in November. Although not too many exciting things has happened since then.. (oh wait I guess ONE really exciting thing) I thought I write a quick catch up post so as not to leave anything missing over the last few months because I know I am just keeping you teetering at the edge of your seats!!

Well the one REALLY exciting thing (in case you missed it) is that B and I are pregnant with what I am assuming will be the cutest little quarter asian baby on the planet. Up until about two weeks ago I didn't even want to pull up my blog on the internet- let alone do any kind of work typing or shooting photos. Being nauseous is always miserable, but holy moly what really made life rough was the exhaustion and the lack of motivation. Basically I was a sack of potatoes that took up the opportunity to lay on the couch as much as possible, and when I couldn't do that, I dragged my little exhausted self through the day in a fog. I have heard pregnant women say so many times how tough that first trimester is, and I can finally say from experience that they are RIGHT!

OK, now that the one really exciting thing has been revealed, as has my excuse for being away for so long, let me quickly catch you up on life.

Thanksgiving we spent out in Arizona with B's family - a tradition we have done since we first started dating. Scottsdale is one of my favorite places (its where we got married) and our Thanksgiving getaway is something I look forward to every year. I think I am a sucker for nice weather, beautiful sunsets and cacti. We also took this opportunity to share our exciting news with the Cusick family by surprising them as we all gathered together for a family photo. Brandon yelled out "on the count of three say..."Megan's pregnant!!" We took a bunch of photos to capture everyone's reactions and you can see the evolution of the surprise setting in and its pretty amazing.

Most of December was spent in survival mode - at least for me. I slept as much as possible and managed my nausea by eating things that sounded palatable - dry cereal, cheese, rice, bread. And I did manage to get a workout 5 days a week even if that meant just a walk outside with Mochi. Super proud of myself on that one - exercise always sounded so awful from my comfy little spot on the couch, but as soon as I started moving I felt so much better. I am a firm believer that exercise and getting your body moving is the best medicine!

Christmas we had plans to take the trip of a lifetime - sailing a catamaran around the British Virgin Islands with Brandon's family. We were so excited and of course in anticipation, I had bought a collection of new swimsuits for the excursion! However, once we got the news we were pregnant, our doctor highly recommended we skip the trip due to the presence of Zika in the area. We were bummed, but decided not to waste the time off by just sitting at home. We booked flights out to LA so we could spend Christmas day with my family who were staying in Hermosa Beach for a few days, as well as spend some time with B's Aunt and Uncle, and other visiting family members from Hong Kong. It was great to see everyone, and be able to make the trip work on such short notice! 

After a few days in California, we hopped on a quick flight to Phoenix and drove up to the Cusick house in Scottsdale. We stayed here for a few days with nothing on our agenda but to relax. 70 degree weather, sunshine and lots of bowl games and college basketball. It was just the rest my 1st trimester pregnant self needed!

I went through our camera and pulled off all photos we had taken over the last two months, and sadly we didn't take that many photos, but any of interest I pulled off for the random montage below. Enjoy!!


Arizona, lifeMeg Cusick