33 weeks pregnant

Size: Baby is now the size of a cauliflower and is about 17.2 inches long and 4.19 pounds

How far along: 33 weeks

Sleep: Great

 Food Cravings: No particular cravings right now, just the normal!

Food Aversions: none

 Symptoms: a little more back pain than usually. We have been walking a lot here in Italy/France these last few days and I definitely feel it by the end of the day. I woke up this morning and felt like I had run a marathon yesterday. But just trying to do lots of stretching and take more breaks when we are out and about.

 Workouts: No official workouts for the next two weeks on vacation! But all the walking makes up for it!

 Doctor's Appointments: As soon as we get back- I am excited for our next and final ultrasound!

 Movement: Baby really starts moving around when I drink ice cold water I have noticed! Lots of rolling around and he seems to get the hiccups most mornings when I am laying in bed!

 Best moment of the week: Oh just the excitement of being back in Italy and exploring, taking photos, enjoying the amazing food. It can mean long days and tons of walking but I love all of it! What other time is better to eat lots of pizza and pasta then when you are 33 weeks pregnant!? :)

 What I am looking forward to:  just these next 2 weeks of vacation! Today we are exploring Nice, tomorrow, Monaco and Friday we head to Florence!

 What I miss? Although I have really enjoyed being pregnant and most days don't mind the extra pounds, I am starting to look forward to getting back into shape again after the little guy is born!

 What else? Just feeling so blessed we could still make this trip happen. If I would have been any farther along, I wouldn't have been able to fly. (which by the way, the flight went really well. I was a little worried about being uncomfortable, but it was totally fine!) This morning I type this as I look out to the beach of Nice and I keep thinking how awesome of an experience to have the opportunity to take part in. Can't wait to tell our little boy about his travels when he was in mom's belly!