29 weeks
Size: Baby is now the size of an acorn squash and is about 15.5 inches long and 2.54 pounds
How far along: 29 weeks
Sleep: Besides having to get momentum to turn over, its pretty good!
Food Cravings: Peanut butter, almond butter, all the nut butters. Funny because I remember not even being able to think about peanut butter in the first trimester
Food Aversions: nothing really
Symptoms: Feeling a bit more stiff at night, but nothing a little stretching can't fix. Oh and my belly that seems to have exploded in size the last few days!
Workouts: Spin, lots of spin. Missing the real thing, but this does the trick! And yoga too is really helpful!
Doctor's Appointments: Today, and then every other week until the last month!
Movement: The kicks are getting higher as my tummy grows. On my right side I have felt his little foot kicking me a couple times. And he has had the hiccups a few times too!
Best moment of the week: Working on the nursery with Brandon on Sunday. We are getting so close!
What I am looking forward to: I'm just really looking forward to the moment we actually get to meet our little boy. It seems so soon..yet at the same time so far away!
What I miss? I'm back to missing sushi again! Otherwise I'm pretty happy with everything. Extra pounds and all.
What else? My belly button popped this week. It's funny how each week I think "wow my belly is so big!" only to see it grow more and more and more.. And I have 11 weeks left!
Dress: Stowaway Collection (my new favorite maternity line!)