31 weeks
Size: Baby is now the size of romaine lettuce and is about 16 inches long and 3.31 pounds
How far along: 31 weeks
Sleep: Feeling a lot more stiff and sore when I sleep, but still sleeping through it except the occasional bathroom break
Food Cravings: nothing really currently
Food Aversions: none
Symptoms: heartburn has been around a lot more often and can be a little annoying
Workouts: Mainly sticking with riding on my trainer/spin class and some light weights and walking
Doctor's Appointments: Today
Movement: Lots of shifting around in there! Kicks are felt off to my far right side but otherwise he just does a lot of rolling and moving side to side!
Best moment of the week: Feeling the relief from the back and pelvic pain I suffered through last week. After many people advocated it, I bought a support belt that really helps support the extra weight my body is just not used to! If I am doing a lot of walking, I can wear it and fear almost no pain! I was pretty skeptical at first, but it works and its actually pretty comfortable!
What I am looking forward to: This weekend we are going to a charity event in which we get to dress up in a gown and suit and I love my dress, and just really excited for the event! My parents will be in town also and we are going to go down to the lake. Its going to be a good weekend!
What I miss? I was thinking the other day as I drove past my old hot yoga place how much I missed it! That is one of the things I am very excited to get back into after babe is born.
What else? Today we are exactly 2 months out from our due date! Pinch me! We still have a lot left to do, but I am trusting we can get it all taken care of as things always get done and work out the way they should!