19 weeks
It's Bumpdate Day!
I have now officially designated Wednesday as "Bumpdate Day" because I have really had fun writing down all my experiences of the week and know the series will be really fun to look back on after baby boy Cusick is born. And also I have just gotten really great feedback that people have enjoyed reading these so I will continue!
I thought that I would incorporate a little list from here on out to make it easier to both write and to read, so here goes nothing:
Size: Baby is now the size of a mango and is about 6 inches long
How far along: 19 weeks
Total Weight Gain: about 10 pounds
Sleep: Sleeping was more of a problem for me in the early weeks. I would feel restless and would just toss and turn. But since about week 10 or so I have had great nights sleep. Even when they are interrupted by getting up to go to the bathroom a couple times a night, it doesn't really bother me and I just go right back to sleep.
Maternity Clothes? Definitely have transitioned over to maternity pants, but if I can... (and it has been nice enough outside that I can) I wear a dress as much as possible!
Food Cravings: I haven't really been craving anything in particular. Most of the time I sit and rack my brain trying to find something I want to eat that sounds good. Salty things still usually win out over anything sweet.
Food Aversions: No real aversions anymore either. Still haven't really enjoyed hot coffee, but I am back to my beloved iced coffees!
Symptoms: I feel like I am in the sweet spot of pregnancy because I feel pretty great most of the time. No aches, pains, or any other problems. Every now and then I get a little heartburn but its really mild and I barely notice it. I would say once a week, usually on the weekends when my body knows I have time to slow down, I get hit with a bout of exhaustion and if I can I just take a nap and instantly feel better.
Workouts: Now that we have had a couple of weeks of nice weather I have really been able to get outside to get some exercise and I love it. I have gone running a couple times the past week in shorts and a tank top which is amazing considering its February! Still doing spin class and lifting a couple times a week.
Doctor's Appointments: Just had our anatomy scan last week which went great, baby looks healthy and growing right on target! Next appointment is just a regular check up in a month.
Movement: Its been a huge week!! We found out baby Cusick is a BOY on Sunday and Monday evening I felt him move for the first time! He was active for about 5 minutes and it was the craziest, most amazing 5 minutes of my life! Tuesday night he did it again, about the same time for about 5 minutes. I am really looking forward to feeling him more frequently.
Best moment of the week: Wow, its got to be a tie of having our gender reveal party and finding out little babe is a boy, and feeling him move for the first time. It has been a monumental week!
What I am looking forward to: There is so much I am looking forward to! Starting to put the nursery together, discussing baby names with B (no we haven't settled on anything yet!) and just getting closer and closer to the day we get to meet him.
What I miss? I think I said this one last week, but I am really going to miss playing on our beach volleyball team this spring. We have played a year- almost every week together, and I am sad to have to sit a season out!
What else? I think I got everything above. It has been a great week!